“Do not ever, under any circumstances, give a woman advice.”
“Never assume a pretty woman has a boyfriend. She might be available.”
“Ask them more questions about themselves than they ask about you.”
“Define what ‘love’ means to you before you say it to someone else.”
“When you don’t know what to say to a girl, the thing to say is hi.”
“Talk to a woman like another man, and you might get your point across.”
“Master the art of being around that person and not talking.”
“If you’re with someone you can’t laugh with in bed, you shouldn’t be with that person.”
“You don’t want to say ‘I love you’ too easily.”
“My father told me what’s really important when you get to the end of your life.”
“Talk to them as though you already know them.”
“Make sure you’re both on the same page. If you have the same views, everything should be good.”
“Compliment your woman. They love that. Start with the shoes.”
“Don’t hold back on those three words. They’re important to be said.”
“Once you’re down with communication, everything else comes easier.”