“You can’t get your way all the time, you have to be ready to compromise.”
“Sometimes I agree, and I don’t even know what I’m agreeing with.”
“Get her really mad. I mean really, really mad.”
“Make your girlfriend or wife laugh. Make life really exciting. It doesn’t cost a thing.”
“Forgive yourself so that you may forgive others.”
“Look for a woman who’s tough and smart.”
“If you want someone to give one-hundred percent, you have to give one-hundred percent.”
“Girls are the same as guys. They want what you want.”
“A lot of us have closed hearts. If you really want to be loving, get into your heart.”
“You need to know who you’re looking for and what you like.”
“Take your time. Avoid sex right away. It messes stuff up.”
“Treat her like an angel every single day. Flowers? No problem. Just make her happy.”
“Love is about forgetting yourself and thinking about the other person first.”
“Honesty is the best policy. If you’re telling the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
“Just love. And when you find this love, don’t let it go.”
“It’s difficult to find love for another woman if you don’t have a good relationship with your mother.”
“Every day we try and keep each other our number one. Everything else falls into place.”
“Be faithful. Nothing will piss them off more if you’re not.”
“You have to respect the woman for who she is, not who you desire her to be in your mind.”
“If you show love, you feel love.”
“Never assume a pretty woman has a boyfriend. She might be available.”
“You’ve got to be your authentic self. That’s when women really respond to you.”
“Love for the sake of loving, and give for the sake of giving.”
“The best way to make a woman feel safe is to listen to her.”
“Don’t set expectations because love comes out of nowhere.”
“Enjoy the little things… even the things that piss you off.”
“Be patient, men. Your prince or princess is out there waiting for you someplace.”
“Nothing beats growing old with your own children, so don’t be tempted by the fruit of another.”
“Tell the truth, be a man, grow up. Just be honest.”
“She’s going to go up and down. Don’t get on the roller-coaster.”
“She has an emotional system that is the Enterprise. Your emotional system is a Model T Ford.”
“Don’t go on the computer. Turn the TV off. Sit down and talk about your day.”
“Stop looking for greener grass. It’s just not there.”
“Chemistry can’t happen online. You can’t get those pheromones, you can’t get that spirit.”
“An ex is an ex for a reason.”
“Women tend to like action more than words. Words are cheap.”
“You have to be generous in every aspect of your relationship.”
“There’s a lot of love vibes going around here.” #OccupyLA
“Love the person, as opposed to what you want out of that person.”
“Lying to women makes them go freakin’ cuckoo crazy.”
“You have to have your own particular style.”
“Don’t be too mean or too nice. Just be you.”
“Never ever escalate a text message fight.”
“Look for the cougars. Look for the ones who know what they’re doing.”
“Hold yourself up like you’re worth something, gentlemen.”
“A relationship is like Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. It’s teamwork.”
“Keep it spicy.”
“Marry someone who is nice. It doesn’t matter if she’s pretty.”
“Maintain one super weird thing. If she can love it, you’re set.”
“If it’s real, it’ll flow like water out of a faucet.”
“There are no rules. Listen to your heart.”
“Don’t look for a lover. Be the lover yourself.”
“Be as big a goon and as big a geek and nerd as you are. Don’t hide anything.”
“Be ruthless. As ruthless as you can be. There are no rules.”
“Love is not a one-way thing. It’s not right for one side if it’s not right for both sides.”
“Follow through, tell them what they want to hear, and sell them the dream.”